Tips for a Successful Application

What are some tips for a successful application?

The application process is straightforward and can be completed within 20 minutes if you have the following materials ready to upload:

  1. An essay that describes your accomplishments, educational plans and career goals, and what this scholarship would mean to you (500 words, max; Word or PDF)
  2. A résumé (2 pages, max; Word or PDF)
  3. A recent photo of yourself (minimum size 1MB)
  4. The name and email address of at least one but up to four current/former instructors or other adult, non-family member/friends who can submit a recommendation letter on your behalf. (Note: You must provide their names and email addresses because the system will automatically notify them that you are requesting a recommendation letter and provide instructions for how to do so.)

In addition:

    • Before you provide the name an email address for your Recommender, ask the individual whether they are willing to provide a recommendation for you. If they agree, fill out the recommendation request in the application and tell your Recommender(s) to expect an email from CSW Industrials and to also check their junk folders for this communication.
    • As noted above, a minimum of one recommendation is required but up to four are allowed. Members of the independent CSWI Scholarship Committee take the quality and quantity of recommendations into consideration, so please consider requesting more than one.
    • IMPORTANT: You can submit your application after you submit your Request for Recommendation, but your application will not be considered complete until the Recommender submits their recommendation. (This is another good reason to request more than one recommendation - in case one Recommender misses their March 8th deadline, chances are good that another Recommender will not.)
    • Please request your official transcript from your school when or immediately after you apply. Some schools may take up to a week or more to process your request; transcripts must be received by the application deadline of March 8, 2024.
    • Proofread your essay before you upload it and submit your application.