Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CSWI Scholarship Program?

Established in 2018 through the CSW Industrials Charitable Fund, the CSWI Scholarship Program helps children and dependents of eligible CSWI Employees pay for college or vocational training.

Is there an age limit for applicants?

The program is designed for children and dependents of eligible CSWI Employees under the age of 26. In addition, an applicant must be:

  • a recent high school graduate or a current senior graduating from an accredited high school by June 2024 who is earning a minimum 2.5 GPA and is planning to enroll full-time at an accredited higher education institution or a trade school for the Fall 2024-Spring 2025 academic year or
  • a current college student with a minimum 2.5 GPA, or enrolled and in good standing at a trade school or in a vocational/technical training program

How many scholarships will be awarded? 

Up to $50,000 is designated for the program each academic year, and individual scholarships of up to $10,000 will be distributed. (Per IRS guidelines, the amount and number of grants will not be known until all applications are submitted.)

Is there a minimum GPA requirement?

  • High school seniors must have a minimum 2.5 GPA on a 4.0 scale.
  • College or university students must have a minimum 2.5 GPA.
  • Applicants in accredited non-degree certificate programs or receiving career and technical training must be in good standing.

Aside from GPA, what factors are considered when reviewing applications?

Grade point average is one of several factors, and the minimum 2.5 GPA reflects the CSWI Scholarship Program’s goal of reaching underserved students who face challenges at home or in their communities. Challenges include caring for family members and balancing school with a job to help with household finances, realities that often prevent students from devoting themselves completely to school life and/or participating in extracurricular activities such as clubs, team sports, internships, and volunteer opportunities.

Who evaluates applications and selects the grant recipients?

A Scholarship Committee composed of members with no connection to CSWI or its affiliates.

Will students from households with little or no history of pursuing education or training beyond high school be considered for a scholarship?

Yes. First-generation high school graduates pursuing a college degree or vocational training are encouraged to apply. "First generation" refers to a child or dependent of an Eligible Employee who will be the first - or among the first - in their family to attend college or receive vocational training. In addition, the criteria to be considered by the Scholarship Committee in determining scholarship grants include, but are not limited to the following:

  • prior academic performance
  • financial need
  • a personal essay 
  • at least one written recommendation from an instructor or another adult who is neither related to the applicant nor a family friend (Note: Up to four recommendations are allowed, and Scholarship Committee Members do evaluate both the quality AND the quantity of recommendations.)

Is there a fee to apply?


What expenses does the scholarship cover?

Scholarships will be sent directly to the school on behalf of the recipient, and they may be used for tuition, fees, books, and room and board. 

What are some tips for a successful application?

The application process is straightforward and can be completed within 20 minutes if you have the following materials ready to upload:

  1. An essay that describes your accomplishments, educational plans and career goals (500 words, max; Word or PDF)
  2. A résumé (2 pages, max; Word or PDF)
  3. A recent photo of yourself (minimum size 1MB)
  4. The name and email address of at least one but up to four instructors or other adult, non-family member/friends who can provide a recommendation letter on your behalf. (Note: You must provide their names and email addresses because the system will automatically notify them that you are requesting a recommendation letter and provide instructions for how to do so.)

In addition:

  • REFERENCE: Before you apply, ask the individual you have identified as a reference whether they will provide a recommendation for you. If they agree, tell them to expect an email from CSW Industrials and to check their spam/junk folders for this communication.
  • TRANSCRIPT: Please request your official transcript from your school when or immediately after you apply. Some schools may take up to a week to process your request; transcripts must be received by the application deadline of March 8, 2024.
  • ESSAY:  Proofread your essay before you upload it and submit your application.
  • SUGGESTIONS? If you have any suggestions for a smoother application process, please let us know.